Day 1 – Facets



Day 1 – Facets

Day 1 of Interchange 2015 showcased a triple bill of solo works developed at the FACETS choreographic lab in the lead up to Attakkalari’s bi-annual International Contemporary Dance Festival. In January and February 2015, Critical Path supported NSW choreographer Patrick “Lucky” Lartey to participate in FACETS.

The schedule for FACETS as part of Interchange included:

Artists | Hemabharathy Palani (India) and Lucky Lartey (NSW)

Hemabharathy and Lucky perform their short work developed earlier in the year at the FACETS exchange choreographic lab in India.

“Being witness to the way in which Indian choreographers adapt[ ] their cultural dances and developed fusion choreograph[y] drawing from tradition and contemporary dance has inspired me to rethink my own practice and how my own traditions inform my dance making.” – Lucky Lartey


Artist | Hemabharathy Palani (India)

Hemabharathy Palani performs a short dance solo work called Trikonanga. Trikonanga explores three essential dimensions that signify Hemabharathy’s unique movement language and approach to dance. The piece combines distinct physical ties of three dance forms – Bharatanatyam, contemporary and ballet, traversing various emotional states.

Long Walk

Artist | Lucky Lartey (NSW)

Lucky Lartey presents his short work embodying the speeches of Nelson Mandela in order to explore the trajectory of oppression/resistance to freedom/liberation in a postcolonial context.

“The idea for Long Walk began with me developing movements to Nelson Mandela’s speeches in my private studio work. I then developed the idea further in October 2014 as part of one week choreographic lab at Campbelltown Arts Centre by creating an eight minute solo work using the speeches of Nelson Mandela to embody his words and represent his words using movement and sign language. In doing so I drew on a trajectory of movements from both contemporary dance and Afro-contemporary to inform the way in which the words were represented. Upon being invited to India to develop a solo work I thought it would be a fertile training ground for the further development of Long Walk because of the intimate connection between India and African nations shared legacies of freedom fighting, struggle and resistance. And the strong connection between Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.” – Lucky Lartey

For It to End

Artist | Soo Hyun Hwang (Korea)

Special guest Soo Hyun Hwang (Korea) closes the night presenting her short solo For It to End.

Image credit: FACETS – Lucky Lartey Interchange Festival 2015. Photo by Heidrun Löhr.

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